Mar 29, 2010

wouldn't you want to play Commissioner of Baseball?

In a few short days, summer will officially be here. Maybe not by the calendar, but when the first cry of "Play Ball" is heard, for me, summer is upon us (and my little associate!!).  We are now officially out of the house, taking in all the sights; sounds; and feelings so compelling when watching a baseball game.  The NFL may have the lock on the money generated; basketball may show us remarkable athleticism, but for me, trying to hit a 3" round object coming at you at 90+ MPH and you trying to hit it with a round object 34 oz in weight and only 33" long and trying to be successful .333 percent of the time, is mesmerizing.  But if you could play Bud Selig for a year, what would you do?  There are a few things I would do, and I'll start this by my first step.  Bring back Double Headers!!  Sure, single games bring in more revenue but remember the days when the games were Friday night; Saturday afternoon; and the Sunday Double Header?  I would love to have them back, even if it meant paying a double cost for the game, or clearing out the park between games and coming back in with a second ticket. No Thursday games or Monday games, wrapped around Fri-Sat-Sun to make a four game series; could be used for make-ups; shorten the season so games don't start in snow and end in snow!  Decreased travel and accommodations for short stays.  With baseball the ONLY game played without a clock and MLB trying to speed up a game that has been based on no limits, shorten the season will speed up the season and to me, bring the game back to its glory years; when going to the game was the highlight of a weekend or time to step away from the rat-race we are constantly in.  That's my first installment-more to follow, all leading up to Opening Day at the ol' ballyard.


  1. Maybe now you'll be happy.

  2. Anonymous-Maybe but at least there will be baseball again and that usually means warm weather; little rain; and NO SNOW!!! So with that said, yes I maybe happy. And maybe you should join me at a game too!!!

  3. Yea, I'm sure that will make you REAL happy.
