Jul 29, 2010

Do you have any Browns/NFL memorable highlights?

In preparation for the '10 Browns season, and due to the miserable season for the Tribe and the unknown CAVS team, I am listing my 10 best Browns  and/or NFL highlight to get ready for the season.  Here is my list in no particular order:
  • First game watching Browns live at Municipal Stadium, sitting behind 3rd base dugout and watching a "flea-flicker" pass to Rich Krietling v. NY Giants
  • Browns v. Raiders "Red Right 88 game-there at the game and could not believe the silence after the interception.  Then it really felt COLD!
  • Browns doubleheader pre-season game v. Steelers.  Between games, ABM had fireworks show and due to weather, second game was played in a smokey, fogging condition.  Tremendous fights in bleachers, which was and still is the norm.
  • Colts v. Giants NFL Championship game in '58
  • Browns v. NY Jets, 1st Monday night game.  Saw it in day room at FT. Campbell KY, while in basic training w/USArmy
  • Browns v. Vikings, Hail Mary pass to Ahmad Rashad to win game at gun.  Needed game and gave it up.
  • The Drive-no more said!
  • Browns v. NY Jets-Bernie's comeback to tie and win in 2OT.
  • Browns v. Steelers-at game when the Browns returned.  Only good thing, the back of my head made the front page of the Plain Dealer!
  • Bears v. NY Giants Championship game.  The end of game with Y. A. Title kneeing with bloody head.  Unbelievable photo and game.
  • Browns v. LA Ram '50 NFL Championship game.  Dad personally knew Lou Groza and had an opportunity as a young kid to meet him and have him tell me the story leading to the game.  Got me hooked as a Browns football fan.
Finally, no matter what the rank and by whom, this is my #1 Browns game.  1964 NFL Championship game, December 27, 1964.  During the week leading up to the game, Tony Alesci and Sal Biondo (WHHS '65) and I talked about going to the game.  We got tickets on Tuesday.  Cost us $4.00 to sit in bleachers.  We sat right on the hash line and watched Gary Collins catch his 3 TD's from Frank Ryan.  Remember Galen Fiss' hit on Lenny More in backfield setting the tone for the day.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think that would be the last Cleveland pro teams' last championship, but that's the fact Jack!

Now, what about yours?


Jul 27, 2010

is this a year that come September we will remember finally for football?

Although this is the baseball series faithful Tribe fans look forward to each and every year (if you do not what I mean, the Yankees are in town), this Tribe fan is getting some early football fever.  Yep, that's right! This old 3rd basemen from Sohio Field, is seriously looking forward to the Browns season.  To my baseball brethren, no this is not heresy, but honest factual feelings!  
Since '95 when Another Bowel Movement (AKA ABM-Arthur B Modell) played Robert Irsay Part Deux and moved one of the most hallowed franchises to B'More, football-NFL style-seems to have some actual football interest.  This year there was a solid draft, not trading picks to move up one notch and pick someone who wasn't rated in the round being selected. No, so far, draft pick holdouts (remember B Quinn) and looks like the training camp will start on time and everyone ready to go.  No front office pissing matches over power plays, just solid NFL football men doing their football jobs, no egomaniacs more interested in things other than football.  An owner who FINALLY understands that it is just as important to have quality people in charge as much as it is to have unlimited cache!!  So all-in-all, leading to the beginning of the season, it is all football.
So, with that all said, what do I look for with the Browns?  1) A competitive team from opening kick-off to the final gun.  This is a must.  If you are in every game, a break or two that goes your way, can lead to a win.  Not being in a game means a loss from the get go. 2) Favorable schedule for fans, means strong home game support.  No matter what a player says, when the players know the fans are there for them, the players do respond in a positive way. 3)Divisional teams that each have some kind of hole.  Bungles-Carson Palmer IMO has been over-rated Period!  And Mike Brown is still owner. Pittspuke-QB problem to start season and maybe a team that is slipping. Still hate the colors Black and Piss, so that is settled.  Ravens-may be favorites, but are somewhat of a team getting older.  Are favs but not overwhelming one. 4) Hope. Yep that is right-HOPE.  LeBum and Mum are gone; DWest parts 1 and 2 are also gone. Mike Brown is gone. Not sure what will be on court in Nov., so there is an unknown issue surrounding basketball.  My Tribe is rebuilding and that will take at least 1/2 or 1 season to come to fruition, but at least we know that.
Therefore, the Browns will be a factor in the fall and winter.  This team has improved, and all we really want is a team that competes and let's see what happens!  I for one an ready....are you?    

Jul 26, 2010

don't the Browns look good after the summer events?

Well the King has abdicated his thrown to Miami (thank goodness) and all of the garbage went with him also.  His ego; his Scottie Pippen image; his mother (I hope); and any thing else necessary to clean the stank he left in C'Town.  (Please let me take this time to give Z my wishes that he gets his ring and returns back to the CAVS at his retirement.  He did he professionally and it should be so noted.)

Tribe finally did what everyone wanted to happen.. Bring up the kids and let then play under fire.  Other teams have put their "prospects" in and let them play, but for whatever reason, the Tribe brass never went that way.  So, I'm glad it finally took place this summer.

Now the Browns.  Every since the new front office was put in place, the football news has been just that...football, not off the field crap.  The '09 team has been silently remade with new FA's and draft picks.  Building from the last four games of last year and leading to this year.  For a change, the Browns seem to be moving in the correct direction.  Solid organization now in place, with personnel who KNOW PRO FOOTBALL; coaching staff that only has to COACH; and fans who are chomping at the bit for something to cheer about.  

Love my Tribe, but for the first time in a LOOONNNGGGG time, looking forward to a Browns' season.  GO DAWGS!!!!

Jul 9, 2010

you're not surprised are you?

To close out this "circus" also known as the Free Agent Ego-induced One-hour Infomercial of LeBron James, did you really, honestly, really think it would go another way then a bolt job but a egomaniac?  Yes, I am a live and die hard Cleveland fan, but I am not as upset as I thought.  First I am not a very big pro basketball fan, but a CAVS fan and look at this differently I guess.  We need to follow the points, now after the fact.  (Isn't it always easier to do this AFTER THE FACT?)

He comes from a family with no male figure to offset and balance the immaturity of a single, teen-age mother.  He is moved from place to place to place before he is 18 yrs old. He is proclaimed, rightly or wrongly with a mantle that is totally uncalled for, but is fertilizer to his ego.  He goes through media circus after circus during high school and leading to proclaiming himself (his 3rd person words) ready for the pros.  Draft day and all the hoopla.  Lands in his own backyard and gives the very distinct impression this is what he wanted all along, being at home.

Start of pro career that revitalizes a sorry professional franchise. Takes it to levels it never had before, but always points out what he, not the team, but what he does to facilitate this.  Goes on Olympic team and pouts when a recognized basketball coach has other players ahead of him.

Puts up unbelievable numbers, but still proclaims his greatness and the need for better players around him.  Another self-indulgent proclamation.  Team capitulates and does what it can to placate the egomaniac.  More wins; double/doubles; triple/doubles; scoring titles; all-something teams; but NOT the one thing he "proclaimed" he was here for, a CHAMPIONSHIP.  He is unable to LEAD and TAKE the team to one.  More proclamations and more capitulations by the team and fans (yes, include me in this, I am not w/o fan blame).

But the love affair has a silent lover and it is not seen until now.  His love for hisself (his words not mine and spelling is correct!) and two other suitors.  When does it start? '08 Olympics.  Two year affair begins all in front of our eyes.  But will it cultivate in a new relationship? Not sure for sure, but maybe not.  But egomaniac has a jolt to his ego.  According to NBC sports ( http://probasketballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/07/dwyane-wade-chris-bosh-may-be-making-documentary-of-free-agency.php) this two lovers are doing something behind his back and he has to have the upper hand.  How about my own infomercial, says.  Let's get it.  How? Self-indulgent ego calls his friend who pitched the idea months ago.  Funny how the idea was pitched from the same office building in of all places Downtown Cleveland.  Look it up, announcer represented by firm in same building as ego-based management group.

So he has his show, with ground and air cover provided by children of the Boys and Girls Club in CT. Proclaims he cannot win on his own and has to be second or third fiddle on a team with the hopes of winning "his" championships.  If you are the "King" others come to you, right?  If you are the real thing, the others seek you out, right?  If you are set on one thing (championship) don't you focus on that, right? You are not concerned about the "brand"; not concerned about what is around you and what it means; not concerned about the "True" image you offer; and not concerned about how you deal with things as a "Man?"

I, and many others, were loved drunk, and you in closing on your ego-show, ask us to follow you?  Well, here is my answer and hope it is for all of you others, No LeBron James I will not follow you, nor will I wish you ill-will. You proclaimed your place in the world and you must live it.  Will you get your championship? Maybe and maybe not.  But at this time, it means no never mind to me.  I am fortunate, I did attend the '64 NFL Championship won by the Browns.  It STILL is as vivid now as then.  Why?  Because it was about a TEAM of players who had the greatest NFL running back of all time, that played as a TEAM and did not need to have the ego stroked to play as a TEAM and win as a TEAM.

To bad you weren't taught that and understood the meaning of TEAM in sports, not as you use it in your team of yes-man and leeches.  I will have a great life, the good, the bad, the tears, the laughs, but it will be my life.  Sorry you will miss out on what I and others have.

Stay strong Cleveland, and remember Gloria Gaynor-"I will survive!"

Now for the real bad news, my Tribe!!

Jul 8, 2010

What else!

Living and dying with Cleveland teams since 1948, I have really seen it all.  1954 WS; horrible baseball in '60s-'70's-'80s; great baseball mid '90's; unbelievable baseball in '95-2001; go for the money wherever it will take them; rebuilding and rebuilding and rebuilding; Municipal Stadium and pillars; The Jake and sold out seasons; The Pro (sorry no nickname, still the Jake to me).  pre Super Bowl era football; Super Bowl era football; Paul Brown; Blanton Collier; Art Modell; momentous games; some not momentous games; the move;NBA basketball at the old Cleveland Arena; Richfield Coliseum; Gund Arean; The Q; Walt Wesley; John Johnson; Gary Suiter; Footsie Walker; Binnnnnnnnnngo Smith; Austin "AC" Carr; Campy Russell; Brad; Mark; Larry; Hot-Rod; Z; Lenny; Ted Stepien; and now Dan Gilbert.

The uniqueness of the above is nothing in those events came from within the area.  No home grown owner; no home grown player; no kid you would follow in the neighborhood and see the evolution and maturity into one of the best.  This is what sets James and his decision apart from everything else mentioned.  Regardless of what anyone says, he is one of us.  He has seen; witnessed; felt all that we have endured for decades.  At the time of this writing, no decision has been made, but is eminent, and may not bode well for us.

This event has taken on a world of its own and is truly insulting to us, if you ask me.  I never thought I could replace Art "let's move it" Modell, but I maybe able to by this evening.

Jul 6, 2010

isn't this just getting out of hand?

Okay, we all have put up with the so-called Magical Mystery Free Agent that wasn't; rumors of who would go where and with whom; who is an Alpha-dog and who isn't; which presentation was the best, the worse, the useless, etc.; look at his hat, it says NY Yankees; and on and on and on.  Are we that stupid; gullible or just so unsure of ourselves as a city that we have to kowtow to a 20 something gazillionaire to beg him to stay to play basketball?  Why not beg to have the 20 something college degree scientist; educator; entrepreneur; inventor; etc, from our area institutions of higher education for them to stay?  Seems to me we have all of our values all mixed up and ass-backwards.  Sure I enjoy a well pitched game; a two-minute drive; a fast-break winner shot; any sporting event that brings me enjoyment.  But without my or your occupation; skills; earning power etc, could we enjoy the sporting events previously mentioned.

Now it all comes down to this.  A frickin' ESPN one hour long special to allow this gazillionaire 20 something year old tell the world where he will earn his next gazillion playing a game.  Sure everyone calls it a business when someone wants to make a point, but it is still a game.  Will I view this special?  Right now, not sure.  Do I want him to stay with the CAVS?  Sure, I'm a fan.  Do I want him to go?  Some parts of me do want  him to leave, just so I can move on. 

Which will it be?  Beats me and honestly, should we care?

Jul 4, 2010

isn't today a really special day?

Yes, today is a special day to all of us here in C'Town and all of the surrounding area.  Today things have come to a halt and we are basking in the sun; the warmth; the eats; and the family/friends to enjoy today, after yesterday July 3rd.

See after yesterday, today now starts another period of time we have to wait for.  Today is the day that we wait for something else to impact the area.  Today is the day we all cherish, whether we want to admit it or not.

You see, today is the Fourth of July, the nation's birthday. A nation that gives the freedom to do what was done July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.  To give us the chance to grovel at the feet of gazillionaires; to make fools of our selves asking someone to stay even if the person never was going to leave anyway.  Today is the day that I can sit here and blog to my hearts content, know that for a brief moment, I like many before me.....

Served this country with honor defending our flag and our nation.

To me that is more important than anything else that took place this weekend!  To my fellow Vets from all eras, and to those who may be taking the next risk on my behalf....


Jul 2, 2010

can you believe this circus???

Four teams down and two to go in the circus called, "You show me yours, and I'll think about it", AKA LeBron's Magical Mystery Free Agent Tour.  Whoever thought that the corner of E. 9th and St. Clair would be THE CENTER of the Sports world? Satellite trucks; TV cameras from all over; reporters both press, radio, and TV; fans; you name it they're probably there.  And let's not forget the Ring Master, LBJ himself.

And what will all come of this?  A young man, with amazing athletic skills will have to choose which multi-million  dollar sales pitch he will accept.  Which bag of lies will give him the best chance to fulfill a pledge made to a certain area and cities seven years ago (give or take a year or two).  Which body of work (i.e., presentation) will be reviewed by the King and his Court (No not Eddie Feigner) to be THE one.

Will any of this be worth it?  Of course it will and not just for the "off-the-wall fan" or the "fan in passing".  Downtown eateries; drinking locales; hotel rooms; etc, will truly benefit.  And the flip side, just the opposite.  So, without any of our input, a large decision awaits us, totally out of control.  We sit; listen; tweet; FB; email; blog; just to vent until the decision is made and he tells everyone he is going to sign with...................................?

Boy I can't wait!!!

PS>>If it does go our way, I cannot wait to give all of New York and New Jersey a "double, single finger salute" telling them "We are #1 and you ain't!!!"

Jul 1, 2010

do want this circus called "LeBron" to end soon?

New York Knicks...Chicago Bulls...New Jersey Nets...Miami Heat...LA Clippers...all are feature attractions of the "Cirque de LeBron" otherwise known as "LeBron's Free Agent Magical Mystery Tour" where the real winner will be EVERYONE who wants to stop hearing all of this!!  That's me, me friends, me enemies, me pets, me bill collectors, me anybody!! Don't take this that I want him to leave.  Hardly.  I, like any other die-hard Cleveland sports team fan, want Mr. LBJ to stay in C'Town w/CAVS and complete Mr. Phelps Mission Impossible assignment given to him, "Win an NBA Championship for Cleveland"! What I want to end is the following:

ESPN reports that....
The latest report from Team LeBron's entourage is...
Latest report is that power forward/point guard/center.....
The amount of cap space cleared by....
The group to sway LeBron will include....
The team's promotional presentation will include...

PUUUULLLLEEEZZZZZZ!!! This is going absolutely crazy! "What I have in this bag contains..."  This is getting NUTS!!  I understand the need for LBJ to go on "his college recruitment trips", but nothing, absolutely nothing, is worth all of this.  

Well almost nothing!  Let me win the Power Ball/Mega Millions lottery and I may surpass all of this going to the lottery office to collect my check.  (Hey you don't dream?).

So for the next few days we will have to put up with this, and Lordy-Lordy what will this give us if he decides to....?