Mar 8, 2010

do you really have a team you hate!

Yes, it is true "I hate the Yankees...always have...always will!!", but do I REALLY hate the Yankees?  Truth be told...hell yeah!!!  Especially the fans!!  OMG, going to a Tribe game and see all that NY garbage splashing over the crowd makes one want to...puke!  Then that word "puke" really and I mean REALLY takes me to the team I HATE--REALLY HATE!  That is the Pittspuke Stealers!  Spelling is correct!  To those who wear the coal and urine colors, they think professional football started in 1970.  Funny, but before that year seems to me, a team in Cleveland had won four NFL Championships (same league the Stealers failed to hit the .500 mark in) and four titles in the old AAFC (league that included the 49ers).  So that makes 8 titles, albeit in two leagues.  But I digress.  Did you ever see a game at old Forbes Field? Horrendous for football.  Then they move to the bagel bowl on cement.  Guess with a hard head and no brains, who cared what you played on.  Then the steal a game from both the Raiders and the Oilers, to get to what is now called the Super Bowl.  Then because they have such putrid beer, what is it called, Iron City Beer, (tastes like the color of urine-see the link) they have to come to C'Town to take in the Stealers/Browns game since the place was better; the beer was and is better; and you could get something better than just a perogi sandwich.  So, I may hate the Yankees and will always hate them, there is a little sence of respect in my feelings.  With the Pittspuke Stealers, the hate is real and if ever the NFL needs to contract teams, Roger should look very closely at them.  Whew, that felt good!!!


  1. John,

    How do you really feel about the Steelers?

    On the Yankees: Before 1960, we didn't have a professional baseball team in Minnesota, so we were free to choose among the "original" 16 MLB teams. Number 7 was playing for the Yankees when I was learning the game, and he was my hero, therefore, the Yankees were my team UNTIL 1960. Opening Day, 1960...I'm in ninth grade...The game starts at 1:00, on TV...School doesn't get out until 3:15...I run all the way home , after school, in time to see the Twins polish off the Yankees 6-0...The King is Dead! Long live the King! It's taken a long time, but my negative feelings mount every year for the Yankees management, not the players, as they continue to attempt to buy pennant after pennant. Not this year, pin-striped devils! At 9:00 a.m., Saturday, March 13, 2010, single game tickets go on sale. I WILL be in the stands, outdoors at Target Field, on Tuesday, May 25, to watch the Twins stick it to the Yankees for the first of six times in 2010! And, it will feel good!!! Whew, that felt good!!!

  2. I'll need a tweet from the game!
