Okay, we all have put up with the so-called Magical Mystery Free Agent that wasn't; rumors of who would go where and with whom; who is an Alpha-dog and who isn't; which presentation was the best, the worse, the useless, etc.; look at his hat, it says NY Yankees; and on and on and on. Are we that stupid; gullible or just so unsure of ourselves as a city that we have to kowtow to a 20 something gazillionaire to beg him to stay to play basketball? Why not beg to have the 20 something college degree scientist; educator; entrepreneur; inventor; etc, from our area institutions of higher education for them to stay? Seems to me we have all of our values all mixed up and ass-backwards. Sure I enjoy a well pitched game; a two-minute drive; a fast-break winner shot; any sporting event that brings me enjoyment. But without my or your occupation; skills; earning power etc, could we enjoy the sporting events previously mentioned.
Now it all comes down to this. A frickin' ESPN one hour long special to allow this gazillionaire 20 something year old tell the world where he will earn his next gazillion playing a game. Sure everyone calls it a business when someone wants to make a point, but it is still a game. Will I view this special? Right now, not sure. Do I want him to stay with the CAVS? Sure, I'm a fan. Do I want him to go? Some parts of me do want him to leave, just so I can move on.
Which will it be? Beats me and honestly, should we care?
ESPN can't even provide decent coverage of the Tour De France, which to me is more entertainment and more important. It's to the point where not only is this LBJ thing a bore, it is showing a bit of an ego show and what team is willing to bend over and kiss his ..... I don't care. Professional sports has become such a business that my preference for watching sports is to watch college and high school sports.