Jul 29, 2010

Do you have any Browns/NFL memorable highlights?

In preparation for the '10 Browns season, and due to the miserable season for the Tribe and the unknown CAVS team, I am listing my 10 best Browns  and/or NFL highlight to get ready for the season.  Here is my list in no particular order:
  • First game watching Browns live at Municipal Stadium, sitting behind 3rd base dugout and watching a "flea-flicker" pass to Rich Krietling v. NY Giants
  • Browns v. Raiders "Red Right 88 game-there at the game and could not believe the silence after the interception.  Then it really felt COLD!
  • Browns doubleheader pre-season game v. Steelers.  Between games, ABM had fireworks show and due to weather, second game was played in a smokey, fogging condition.  Tremendous fights in bleachers, which was and still is the norm.
  • Colts v. Giants NFL Championship game in '58
  • Browns v. NY Jets, 1st Monday night game.  Saw it in day room at FT. Campbell KY, while in basic training w/USArmy
  • Browns v. Vikings, Hail Mary pass to Ahmad Rashad to win game at gun.  Needed game and gave it up.
  • The Drive-no more said!
  • Browns v. NY Jets-Bernie's comeback to tie and win in 2OT.
  • Browns v. Steelers-at game when the Browns returned.  Only good thing, the back of my head made the front page of the Plain Dealer!
  • Bears v. NY Giants Championship game.  The end of game with Y. A. Title kneeing with bloody head.  Unbelievable photo and game.
  • Browns v. LA Ram '50 NFL Championship game.  Dad personally knew Lou Groza and had an opportunity as a young kid to meet him and have him tell me the story leading to the game.  Got me hooked as a Browns football fan.
Finally, no matter what the rank and by whom, this is my #1 Browns game.  1964 NFL Championship game, December 27, 1964.  During the week leading up to the game, Tony Alesci and Sal Biondo (WHHS '65) and I talked about going to the game.  We got tickets on Tuesday.  Cost us $4.00 to sit in bleachers.  We sat right on the hash line and watched Gary Collins catch his 3 TD's from Frank Ryan.  Remember Galen Fiss' hit on Lenny More in backfield setting the tone for the day.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think that would be the last Cleveland pro teams' last championship, but that's the fact Jack!

Now, what about yours?



  1. Browns vs. Dallas fall of 1979. After the game went to downtown BG. Ran into an old girlfriend. As a gentleman, I'll say no more.

  2. Ahhh, I would like to know when were you ever considered a "gentleman"?
