Feb 10, 2010

A little dis....a lotta dat...

...the Super Bowl is a great one-day event, isn't March Madness better?
...if Spring training doesn't start in Spring, why is it called that?
...isn't baseball is the only sport that your are on offense without the ball?
...what sport always has a player out-of-bounds and it is legal?
...didn't you REALLY want the Colts to score for a tie and go to overtime in the SB?
...how did hockey goalies survive without face masks back when?
...doesn't the Seniors Tour of the PGA look better than the regular PGA?
... have you noticed that horses run "counter-clockwise" in the US, but "clockwise" in England and for why?
...isn't "grunting" on each stroke in Woman's Tennis, like really annoying?
...baseball has no game clock, but they try to "speed" up the game?
...don't you want to know what happened to "the agony of defeat" guy on ABC's Wide World of Sports?
...don't you miss Emmett Ashword as a MLB umpire?
...shouldn't the next kid to announce his college choice not be in a grade higher than kindergarten?
...isn't this enough?!?!?!?!?!?


  1. …The Super Bowl is a great event, especially for people who don’t know anything about football! But March Madness is just that, and any team can win.
    …Spring training isn’t in the Spring, correct, but isn’t “taking a dump” a worse saying? You’re not really taking it anywhere, are you? It should be “leaving a dump”.
    …Baseball, of course, has a player out of bounds at all times. The catcher.
    …Yes, I did want the Colts to win the Super Bowl. But at least it wasn’t the Steelers that won this year!
    …Hockey? Does anyone really want to watch a bunch of ugly Euros ice skating? I’ll pass.
    …Horseracing is a bit WASPy for me, regardless of which way they run in a circle.
    …I’ve seen enough porno to know that ‘grunting’ in tennis is a good thing!
    …No game clock in baseball?! Perfect. Don’t change a thing.
    …”The agony of defeat” guy, well… wasn’t my cup of tea.
    …I think you meant ‘Emmett Ashford’, a little animated, from what I can recall. First ever black MLB ump too, I think?
    …USC drafting a 13 year old? Really? When I was 13, I was still playing kick-the-can and trying to break away from my beloved Hot Wheel collection because someone at school said it wasn’t cool anymore! I had no idea of what college even was. Either I’m getting old quick, or the times, they are a changin’.

  2. Now I have spell check bloggers! Yes it is Ashford. Thanks Mike!
