Feb 19, 2010

did you believe him!

Okay, I'll jump in, like everyone else.  I first saw the "mea culpa" setting and it looked like an address before an audience that was there to hear the memorial to a dead person.  Well, maybe the  old Tiger "I can get what I want, when I want it, and with whoever I want" Woods, has indeed died.  But then again, maybe the old Tiger Woods, the one who controlled everything about and around him (remember no camera shutter clicks during my back-swing) was and is still in charge.  Was a bit hard to judge.  Many may say, heck I could read a written statement, how genuine is that?  Could you?  Could you stand before the present day electronic media and make all the statements about yourself that had to be stated, under probably the rehab environment?  Could you look your own Mother in the eye and admitted to the facts about your own behavior that are now out for everyone's (including mine) comments?  Could you clearly state what you did; are in therapy for it; are not doing the one thing you love above all; and, state you need help?  I will go on a limb and say, probably not.   Have I had to do something similar as Tiger?  Yes, but NO WAY NEAR the level he did.  Was I proud of what I did? Hell no!  Was I sorry?  Sorrier than one may think.  Did I ask for forgiveness?  Still am.  Will I go past it?  Darn right.  Why?  Because when one hits the mess head on as Tiger has, then and only then can one move on.  If Tiger had continued to avoid the issues, ever so public now, he could never get back to where he really is comfortable (and maybe he may never get back to the same place) and grab control when he now has none.  There is a fable every one knows, "People who live in glass houses, should always dress in the basement" (okay not really accurate, but a little humor always goes a long way in bringing a point home), but is does fit here also.  Put yourself in Tiger's shoes now and then, and think before answering...Would you do now what he did, because of what you did then just like he did? Take out the riches; the fame; the sponsors; everything else and just focus on a Man and Woman; Husband and Wife; Father and Son; and give your answer.  Mine is I accept his "mea culpa" and will allow him to repair all his personal problems and then when he is ready to return to golf, I will see him as what he will then really be, a golfer who has real life personal problems to deal with, just like all of us.


  1. Oh please...he's human. No one deserves an explanation except his wife and I don't need to know about his addictions . My life will go on no matter what happens to Tiger. He's not a god...he plays a game for a living...he's hurt no one but himself and his family. He doesn't need my forgiveness nor do I care.

    We have children in this country being abused and we don't get as worked up about it as we do when celebs act like idiots. We have women being raped and tortured by the men who are supposed to love them and we look the other way.

    Tiger's sorry...does it bring world peace? feed the poor? create jobs? stop the killing?

    I've never seen him as anything but a young man who plays a great game of golf and has great talent. Other than that, I don't waste my time thinking about him, or any other pro athlete, at all.

  2. There are so many issues here on so many levels it's hard to know where to start. Yes, I will agree that this is an issue between him & his wife and it has nothing to do with his golf game, but when he put himself out there as a public figure he opened the door to public scrutiny. These people, sports figures; politicians; movie stars, etc. are so arrogant that they think they can break the "rules" and they won't get caught. That might have been true years ago, but, in the age of the internet, You Tube, Facebook, TMZ, 24 hour cable news shows and hundreds of publications out there who make it their business to find this stuff it is just plain stupid to think you will get away with it forever. As far as whether or not the average person could face the public & the media the way he did, that's the point, they don't have to. Plus he was so in his element. He does it all the time, standing alone on the golf course
    with all eyes on him. He thrives on the pressure because if he didn't he wouldn't be the star that he is. I do think he looked remorseful & sorry, however, wether he was honest & truly sorry or just sorry he got caught remains to be seen. Also, much of what he said sounded like it came right out of a "12 step" program which I'm sure was part of his therapy. I'm also pretty sure that what he said about what happened that infamous night & about the domestic abuse was his wife telling him he better clear that up publicly, or there would be no talking about forgiveness! And at least he didn't say that he never asked to be a role model for kids, like so many of them do, & admitted that he is. This will eventually be old news and he will go back to being Tiger Woods, the great golfer, hopefully, with a little more humility and a little more appreciation of what fame & admiration has given him. Will his marriage survive, who knows, and frankly, I'm sure nobody cares. Though, his wife seems pretty smart & she is not going to walk away empty handed!

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