Mar 31, 2010

wouldn't you want to play Commissioner of Baseball? Part III

Issue number 3:  Inter-league play!  Simple-END IT!!!!!  I for one cannot take another Indians-Reds home-and-away series of games.  I definitely am old school on this.  I loved not seeing the NL (we are an AL city) until the All-star game and World Series.  (I know w/our track record, not many opportunities with WS, but I digress)  With the advent of free agency and player movement all over the place and all the time, do I need to see the Brewers, when part of the team had former AL'ers on it?  Would I rather have more games with Red Sox and Yankees instead of San Diego; Pittsburgh; Florida; etc?  Heck yes!!  Warm weekday evening in the summer and the visiting team is...Yankees or Astros?  Give me the Yankees ANYTIME and EVERY TIME!!!  If I as new MLB Commish cannot get rid of DH and the two leagues are different on this subject, then let's not merge them, even if it for a little time in mid-season.  No DH, no inter-play; DH, still not inter-league play.  Let the WS really mean a test between the two best teams from the two leagues!  BRILLIANT!! (if I say so myself).  So, New Rule #3 (oops...sorry Bill Maher) more inter-league play.

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